Looking for natural support with weight loss?
· Appetite control
· Rev up your metabolism
· Reduce cortisol levels
· Maintain healthy glucose levels
· Hormone balance
While there isn’t a “Magic Bullet” for weight loss, having natural support for the prevention of body fat and appetite reduction may be just what you need to shed those pesky pounds!
LowTE Citru-Slim is an innovative nutraceutical ingredient for healthy weight management. LowTE Citru-Slim is a combination of Bergamot (a small Citrus plant from the Calabria region of Italy) and E. Longifolia (a medicinal plant form Malaysia).
Studies show LowTE Citru-Slim may help you gain the metabolic control necessary to promote successful weight loss – this includes an increase in energy and suppression of hunger hormones. To be clear, when combined with diet and exercise, it can modulate biochemical parameters sufficiently to change metabolic outcomes, resulting in successful weight loss.
Recommended dosage: Take 1-2 LowTE Citru-Slim capsules
3 times daily before each meal.
90 capsules